Children as Leaders

There are many opportunities for children to lead and fulfil a range of different roles across St Chad’s.  It is vital for children to have a voice across the school and we endeavour to try to accommodate their views and suggestions as far as we can.


The School Council

Our brilliant school council do a huge amount to promote the voice of the children around the school.  Our school council comprises of two representatives from each class in the school.  Each representative is voted to represent their class by their class peers and this voting system happens annually.  School councillors meet with Mr Ridd and they have a range of responsibilities across the school from supporting with fundraising events to discussing suggestions on how to positively develop St Chad’s Patchway Primary School in the future.


House Captains

At St Chad’s, all children are split into one of four houses (Banksy, Brunel, Cabot and Wesley) when they join the school.  At the beginning of every academic year, Year 6 children have the opportunity to be elected the house captain and vice captain for their particular house.  House captains have a range of different roles across the school, from collecting weekly house points from each classroom to supporting with particular whole school events.  Children elected as house captains and vice captains play a pivotal role in constantly demonstrating the school’s values, whilst being role models to their peers.


For children in Years 1 – 6, they annually have the opportunity to be elected as their class representatives on the Eco-club committee.  As part of the Eco-club committee, children work on a range of different initiatives around the school from waste management to developing the school environment.  The children are focused on evaluating, setting up and running initiatives that will help the school and community be more eco friendly.


Worship Team

The Worship Team are made up of representatives from each class in the school.  The team meets weekly and they work together to evaluate the effectiveness of school worships as well as identifying improvements that can be made.  To evaluate the effectiveness of worships, The Worship Team have created questionnaires and members have also had opportunities to observe class worship and key stage worship sessions. The Worship Team continue to play an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of school worships.