Collective Worship

As a Church of England School, St Chad’s has a distinctly Christian ethos, which underpins everything that we do here. This ethos includes a culture of understanding and tolerance and children of all religions and faiths thrive in our setting. The foundations of our Christian ethos are the termly values, which are shared and promoted across the school: love, respect, hope, forgiveness, compassion, thankfulness, trust, friendship compassion, perseverance, peace, courage, creativity, service and responsibility.  While promoted throughout the school week, the children are specifically taught about these values during their daily collective worship. These sessions include service taken by members of the church, KS1 and KS2 worship, singing assemblies and class worship. These sessions are based on a biblical story, involve chances for children to reflect on how they can embody the value, make a difference and include time for children to pray at the end. These values have a prominent place physically in the school with a hall display, displays in every classroom, prayer spaces, and a reflection area outside. These displays are built on and developed as children add their work, prayers and reflections from their class worship.

Our relationship with St Chad’s Church is very important to our school and wider community. Reverand Dave and Jess are key parts of our school family and the children greatly look forward to Dave’s visits to lead collective worship and to take part in our services like Harvest. Jess is easy to spot around school in her purple Flourish t-shirt and her chaplaincy and Prayer Space sessions are a valuable asset to the school. We make the most of opportunities to visit the church for example our annual carol service and the special Sunday service held to welcome our reception children into the church.

See below a range of documents with information regarding the Values and Collective Worships for this year

Festivals for Collective Worship 2024-25 : An overview of Celebration Assemblies where classes plan and present their learning about a festival from a range of faiths.

Themes of Collective Worship throughout St Chads Year 2024-25 : An overview of the themes for Collective Worship throughout the school year.