
“We need to embrace technology to make learning more engaging.  Because when students are engaged and they are interested, that’s when learning takes place.”

As a school, we want the children of St Chad’s to progress as masters of technology within this ever developing technological world.  As children progress through their journey at school, they will develop a firm understanding of how computing can be used in a safe, responsible and positive manner.   At St Chad’s, we want to enable the children to flourish and be equipped with the knowledge to develop and understand the rapidly changing digital world and community within the subject drivers of information technology, computer science and digital literacy. We want to develop the children’s computational thinking and creativity ensuring they can create and use programs and systems. The children are immersed with computing technology around the school. Each child will have access to many differing technologies such as:

  • interactive whiteboards in every classroom;
  • laptops;
  • programming technology such as beebots and probots;
  • ipads;
  • cameras;

To ensure computing knowledge is taught and revisited across year groups and phases, we want computing to be taught within our Connected Curriculum units as well as standalone subject units.

We endeavour to ensure the children of St Chad’s are taught about the impact of the internet both in a positive and negative manner.  Therefore, becoming responsible digital citizens now and in the future.  We consistently model the importance of online safety and how being safe and kind online can ensure we create a nurturing, safe and constructive community. We ensure children understand the correct procedure to follow if they see or hear about something they deem unsafe online.

The computing curriculum is always evolving to meet with needs of the developing technological world and is driven by the passions of the children. We hope this fully equips the children to act as IT specialists in their future. We promote the links between the local STEM businesses such as GKN, Aerospace and Hitachi, which we hope to continue over the years.

Click on the link below to read our computing subject booklet and find out further how computing is implemented and assessed within our Connected Curriculum.