Covid-19 Safeguarding

Safeguarding/Key Contacts for parents/carers:

Safeguarding: Our greatest priority as a school is to always ensure the safety, well-being and happiness of all our children. In these unprecedented times, and during the school closure, the safeguarding of all our children remains our number one priority. As a school we will be continuing to support all our families through different means: whether by frequent phone calls, emails, text, dojo, food parcel deliveries or even when necessary face to face house visits (with social distancing protocols). It must also be noted that we are also continuing to work with external agencies, during this period of closure. With this in mind please remember that, if during the closure you have any safeguarding concerns regarding our children, please contact us as a matter of urgency. I (Mrs Jenkins) am the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Mr Ridd is Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL). Throughout the closure we are contactable at all times via the school email: admin@oldscp.local.

South Gloucestershire Council’s own Safeguarding ART (Access and Response Team) is also available to report concerns about a child: 01454 866000 Monday to Thursday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm, 4.30 on Friday and 01454 615165 out of hours and at weekends. This is a challenging time for many reasons and we know there may be some families who may need additional support at times, if you have ANY questions, or concerns about anything, please feel free to contact the school and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Other contact details:
Police – 101 for non-urgent issues & 999 if urgent and an immediate response is needed

Fire Safety –

Domestic Abuse Concerns – Next Link South Glos domestic abuse telephone help lines are open 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday and 9:30am – 1:00pm on Saturday 0800 4700 280
Mental health support – CAMHS (if young person is currently under CAMHS) – 01454 862431 or if you are concerned that you are not able to keep your child safe or they are not able to keep themselves safe then take them to the Accident & Emergency dept at Bristol Children’s hospital or call for an ambulance.
Food banks – links for families living in South Glos
Food banks – links for families living in Bristol
Parents worried about exploitation – or for confidential help and advice, call Pace on 0113 240 5226
CHILDLINE – 0800 1111 or visit their website
Samaritans – 116 123
Mental health apps approved by NHS –
Mind You Website—Mind You is South Gloucestershire’s mental health and emotional wellbeing hub for children and young people. There are also sections for parents/carers and professionals. During the Coronavirus they will be regularly updating the home page with helpful information around services and tips to help with mental health and emotional wellbeing if people are struggling with the social distancing and self-isolation. It is vital we are looking after our mental health as well as our physical health.