
Welcome to our Governors’ web page.

Firstly, a big thank you for your continued support of all the pupils and the school, and your part in helping the school to achieve the improved results we have seen over the last few years.

We hope you will find the latest Governors’ Annual Report to be informative.  The link is near the bottom of the page and any feedback would be appreciated.

We would also like to thank vehicle users for continuing to use the voluntary one-way system at school drop off and pick up times which has helped to improve the safety for all children and to ease the traffic for everyone who uses this road. For those who are unaware of the system. On arriving, you are requested to enter Standish Avenue at the first entrance on Shellmor Avenue, then turn right into Cranham Drive. On departure to turn right out of Cranham Drive and follow Standish Avenue to return to Shellmor Avenue.

Please may the governing board remind you that, even with the introduction of Universal Free School Meals, if you are entitled to register for Pupil Premium (sometimes known as Free School Meals, even though it is much more) you are urged to register. This will open up a whole range of benefits for your child to support them in a wide range of areas in school. We have agreed that each registered child will be granted £100 to spend during their time at St Chad’s, to be used for education purposes i.e. uniforms, school trips etc. Please contact the office for more details. You can find more information on the ‘Key Information’ tab underneath ‘About us’ on the home page of the school website.

Who are the Governors?

We are ordinary people from a range of backgrounds, volunteers who use our different skills, experience and knowledge to inform our deliberations and decisions for the benefit of the children at St Chad’s school.

Our Governing Board consist of Parents, Teaching Staff, representatives from the Local Authority and Bristol Diocese together with co-opted Governors appointed by Board based on the skills and experience they offer.

If you have a skill to offer and would like to know more about being part of the Governing Board, please let us know by letter, addressed to the Chair of Governors, through the school office.

St Chad’s Code of Conduct for Full Governing Body.

Meeting Attendance

Please see below for an overview of attendance at governors’ meetings. 

Meeting Attendance Log

What do governors do?

The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances (England) Regulations 2013 state that

“The board should avoid its time being consumed with issues of secondary importance, and focus strongly on three core functions:

  • setting the vision and strategic direction of school;
  • holding the headteacher to account for its educational performance; and
  • ensuring financial resources are well spent.”

We work in partnership with the Headteacher and staff, being supportive and encouraging, but challenging when necessary. Governors do not become involved in day to day management issues: that is the role of the Headteacher and her team.

We meet together regularly as a governing board, and in committees, to fulfil our responsibilities in a broad range of areas such as ensuring that the school fulfils its requirements to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, that every child receives the very best education and ensuring that money is spent wisely.

We review the pupil and school targets, aiming to ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We similarly encourage and support all staff to continue their personal and professional development.

We additionally review and approve key school policies, pupil welfare, management and maintenance of grounds and buildings and personnel matters, including the appointment of Teaching Staff.

Ensuring Educational Standards are high

The Pupils and Standards committee monitor the progress of pupils by reviewing key statistics and the quality of teaching, supported by independently collected evidence from Governor learning walks and book reviews.

We are satisfied that targets being set for children are both challenging and achievable and that the delivery of teaching is differentiated to suit the needs and abilities of every pupil.

We are also confident that subject curriculums are being effectively delivered, acknowledging the hard work that this entailed for all the teaching and teaching support staff.


The Governing Board have approved a policy aimed at improving attendance and have set a target of 96.5% for the current year. Whilst we recognise the problem that this may cause for some parents, we will continue to drive for improved attendance to minimise the disruption to pupils’ education and ensure that each child can gain the maximum benefit from their time at St Chad’s

Resources and Staffing

The Resources and Staffing Committee monitor many aspects of the school including; annual and mid-year budget setting, monthly expenditure reviews, staffing issues, health & safety matters, and the school development plan. Previous years have seen some exciting projects being approved by the RS committee, and full governing board, such as the new playground and WC refurbishment. During the last academic year our main concern was managing the ever-challenging budget.

We’re thankful to Mrs Jenkins and the administrative team for their vigilance in reviewing the expenditure and enterprising in their efforts to ensure value for money. Through some prudent forecasting we have managed to set a budget for the coming years that remains balanced, which has proved difficult and frustrating given the levels of funding and increasing costs.

Pupils and Standards

The Pupils and Standards Committee is responsible for ensuring the quality of the educational provision at the school. This includes ensuring that pupils of all abilities have access to a good standard of education which provides not only for their specific learning needs, but also their welfare and physical, social and emotional development. The committee monitors pupil progress and attainment across the school throughout the year, ensuring that focused interventions are utilised to support pupil needs.  They have also overseen and monitored the implementation and subsequent application of the revised national curriculum at the school, the standard government age-related marking scheme and the changes to data reporting as a result. Pupil attendance levels, with a proven link to higher attainment, are also closely monitored by the committee with school policies in place to ensure robust and consistent controls are in place which meet central government expectations in this area.

Ofsted and SIAMS

We feel extremely proud of positive judgements the school received from both Ofsted and SIAMS (Church Diocese) inspectors.  Our most recent Ofsted inspection in October 2018 which judged the school as ‘Continues to be Good.’  Our most recent SIAMS in February 2019 was rated as ‘Excellent.’

We, together with the school staff, strive to ensure the quality of the provision at St Chad’s continues to these high standards, aiming high to ensure that every child receives the best education possible.

And Finally

We thank the Friends Association who, over the years, have given much time and energy in raising funds to improve facilities that the school can provide for the children. I know that all parents would wish to express their thanks to this dedicated band, who in turn, appreciate the support and involvement of all parents and children who attend the events throughout the year.

We also reiterate our thanks to all parents and carers for their continued support for the school and for their involvement in the education of the children.

If you would like more information, please look at our Annual statement Annual Governance Statement for 2022-2023 where you will gain more information about our role. If you have any comments, questions or an enquiry about how to become more involved with the work of the Governing Board please contact the school by email to admin@oldscp.local or by letter marked for the attention of ‘The Chair of Governors’ through school office

Becky Moyce

Chair of Governors, on behalf of the whole Governing Board

Contact the Governors

To contact the governors, please write to Mrs Becky Moyce via the school office.

Meeting Minutes

Copies of minutes are available from the school office on request.


Parent Governor Role

Parent Governor Eligibility

Parent Nomination Form