
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”

Albert Einstein

At St Chad’s, we believe that maths is integral to everyday life; it teaches children how to make sense of the world around them through developing an ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. We want our children to appreciate the beauty and power of mathematics and to have a love of learning in line with our school vision.  We aspire to ensure that every child becomes a confident, analytical and secure mathematician throughout their time at St Chad’s.

Through a love of learning, children will be taught appropriate mathematical vocabulary and will gain confidence at talking like a mathematician as they progress through the year groups at St Chad’s.  With maths being critical to science, technology, engineering, financial literacy and most forms of employment, cross-curricular maths is regularly embedded within lessons at St Chad’s. Children are provided with real-life learning experiences and opportunities to ensure they are confident to deal with everyday mathematical challenges.  To ensure children have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts, they will be modelled a learning process through ‘concrete, pictorial and abstract’, whilst demonstrating fluency with what is being taught and showing their mathematical thinking through both verbal and written reasoning.

Overall, our children are provided with the tools to leave our school as confident, skilled and resilient mathematicians, who understand that mathematics is a fundamental part of everyday life and the world we live in.


Click on the link below to read our maths subject booklet and find out further how maths is implemented and assessed within our Connected Curriculum. 

Key Instant Recall Facts

As a school, we use Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to support our children in developing their fluent understanding by instantly recalling key mathematical facts. 

Please click on this link to take you through to our webpage detailing our approach towards the teaching of KIRFs.