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St Chad’s Accessibility plan

Anti Bullying Policy

Anti bullying policy written by the children

Underpinning principles for assessment in St Chad’s

Attendance policy


Behaviour Policy

Covid-19 Behaviour Policy Addendum


St Chad’s Charging and Remissions Policy

St Chad’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

St Chad’s Covid 19 Risk Assessment Jan 22

COVID-19 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Addendum 

Collective Worship

Complaints Policy


Data Protection policy

Ee / Ff

Freedom of Information

Gg/ Hh


Health & Safety Policy


Ii / Jj

Inclusion Policy

Kk / Ll / Mm / Nn

Lettings Policy

Marking Policy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Oo / Pp / Qq / Rr

Ss/ Tt / Uu / Vv / Ww – Zz

Safeguarding – Local Authority : A child’s journey of need Guidance for professionals who are working with children, young people and families. Helping to identify when a child may need additional support to achieve their potential.

Safeguarding – What you can do if you are concerned : Please speak to school if you are able to or use the link for support.

Safeguarding – National Crime Agency : Lots of really useful links and advice.

Safeguarding and Child Protection in relation to radicalisation

St Chad’s Covid-19 Safeguarding Page

St Chad’s SEND Information Report 23-24

COVID-19 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Addendum

Staff Wellbeing policy

Single Equality Policy

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

Values Policy

Volunteers Working in Schools

Whistle Blowing Policy



E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy

English Policy Statements Reading and Writing

Internet and E-mail Policy


Progression of Spirituality

RE Policy

RSHE policy

Spelling Policy