Promoting British Values at St Chad’s

The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy.  Please watch the video below for an overview of these British Values.


At St Chad’s CofE Primary School these values are developed, promoted and reinforced regularly in the following ways:


  • Class voting for different positions on student leadership groups e.g. student council, eco-committee, worship group etc.
  • Democracy taught through collective worship and a variety of curriculum units throughout the school year.  
  • At the beginning of every year, Year 6 children apply for the position of House Captain and Vice Captain.
  • Regular school council meetings to discuss issues raised by classes across the school and lead different fundraising events for charities and the school.
  • Children are involved in decision making processes and they are listened to by school staff.
  • Pupils are supported in expressing their views within lessons.


The Rule of Law

  • Children across the school know what is expected of them, why rules are important, and what the consequences are if they are not followed.
  • Each class have a set of class rules that were created by the children.
  • Consistent positive reward systems are developed across the school to celebrate the behaviour and successful learning of the children.
  • A class buddy system is in action, in which Year 6 children are buddies with Reception children to support their transitions into primary school.
  • Termly collective worships are based upon a different school value, which we encourage children to promote and demonstrate both in and out of school.
  • Visits from authorities, such as the police and the fire service etc help to reinforce their role in the local community.
  • Internet safety sessions happen at the beginning of every Computing lesson to support children staying safe online.


Individual Liberty

  • Provide opportunities to support children in developing their own self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Support children in taking responsibility for their actions and behaviour.
  • Through a clear oracy focus across the school, children develop a freedom of speech.
  • PSHE lessons aim to challenge stereotypical views as well as supporting children with understanding and managing their own emotions.
  • An anti-bullying culture is in place across the school and Friendship Ambassadors support children at playtimes.
  • Supporting children’s awareness of how to stay safe online is of vital importance and digital literacy sessions happen at the beginning of every computing lesson.
  • Annually, a member of the local police force provides internet safety sessions for children in KS2, as well as providing the option for parents / carers to participate in the sessions as well.
  • Children are provided with key roles and responsibilities within the classroom e.g. morning helpers, digital leaders, school council, eco-committee and worship representatives.


Mutual Respect

  • Behaviour policy developed in line with the school values e.g. compassion, responsibility and respect.
  • Worship team involved in creation of whole school collective worship.
  • Children across the school are involved in evaluating the impact of collective and class worships.
  • High expectations are developed across the school of behaviour and learning.
  • Children and staff are polite and kind.
  • We listen and respect each other. We teach the children that conflict will be dealt with calmly and fairly.
  • All members of the school community are valued equally.
  • Weekly ICA (I Can Achieve) assemblies celebrate the achievements of our children in and out of school.
  • Through reading buddies, well-being afternoons and play buddies, children from across the school work alongside each other.  This helps to promote mutual respect across all phases of learning.


Tolerance for those of different beliefs and faiths

  • Collective worships focus on developing children’s understanding of different religious beliefs and cultures.
  • Each class performs one collective worship to parents and peers in an academic year. These collective worships promote the beliefs of different religious faiths.
  • Children participating in multi-faith week
  • Across RE lessons, children develop an understanding of the beliefs of a variety of different faiths. This helps children acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
  • Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge with children.