“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.”

High quality teaching and learning of Religious Education is pivotal to our school community living out our vision of ‘Learning to Love, Loving to Learn’. It fosters curiosity about beliefs and practices and promotes tolerance, understanding and respect We aim to provide an inspiring and engaging environment to explore this. Communication is a key driver of our exploration of people’s beliefs as we promote respectful discussion and debate.

Understanding our own beliefs

Religious education sessions at St Chad’s allow our pupils space, time and opportunities to develop their spirituality and reflect on their own beliefs and values. We teach pupils the skills to participate in respectful debate and to value the differences between members of our community while providing them with opportunities to express themselves creatively. We believe it is vital that the children feel heard, understood and valued and that we appreciate the effect this can have on their mental health.

Understanding religions and worldviews

An essential part of ‘Learning to Love’ is understanding those who are different to ourselves and celebrating these differences. Religious education allows pupils to explore their curiosity about religions and worldviews that are different to their own and the variation with religious views in a safe environment. Through this study, pupils learn the key beliefs and practices of many members of our school, local, national and global community and endeavours to make them ambassadors for a more tolerant and collaborative society.

Understanding Christianity

Through our use of Understanding Christianity, children gain a broad knowledge of the Bible and its teachings. They learn about the daily practises, celebrations and core beliefs of Christians while also learning about the differences within Christian beliefs and practices.

Click on the link below to read our RE subject booklet and find out further how RE is implemented and assessed within our Connected Curriculum.