Supporting your child with maths at home

How to support your child with maths at home?

There are a number of ways that you can support your child with developing their mathematical understanding, as well as consolidating learning that has taken place within school.

Times Tables and Number Bonds

Learning and understanding times tables and number bonds is vitally important for all children.  Your child will participate in a lot of different learning opportunities in school, but there are different things that you can do to support them in understanding their times tables and number bonds at home.

Follow this link to a range of different websites that can be used to support your child with their learning of times tables and number bonds at home.

Practical ideas to support your child at home

  • Could your child listen to different nursery rhymes and songs to develop their understanding of number?
  • Using different objects, could your child practise adding one more and identifying one less?
  • Could your child count everyday objects around the home?
  • Could your child identify different shapes around the house and outside in the garden?
  • Could your child have a go at measuring the lengths of different objects in the home?
Key Stage 1
  • Can you go on a number hunt and identify different numbers around the environment both indoors and outdoors.
  • Whilst cooking, having the opportunity to weigh different ingredients accurately and being supported in reading scales.
  • Can you help your child practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Using resources to help add and subtract numbers and objects.
  • Identify different shapes around the house and outdoors.
  • Measuring the height and length of different toys around the house.  Could your child measure the heights accurately of the different people that live in their household?
  • Tell the time with your child using an analogue clock.
  • Practically using money in the home and supporting in shops.
  • Use dice to practise adding and subtracting numbers.
  • Order days of the week/months of the year.
  • Use objects and manipulatives to demonstrate number bonds up to 10 and 20.
Key Stage 2
  • Whilst cooking, could your child estimate and measure a range of different ingredients accurately using weight and capacity.
  • Time – Can your child create a daily timetable of their day and discuss their routine?
  • Could your child create symmetrical patterns when drawing or painting?
  • Could your child have a go at completing a sudoku?
  • Number fact games – What other number facts can your child create from a certain number sentence, e.g. 6 + 3 = 9?
  • Can your child create a dance that includes particular directions and angles?
  • Can you go on a mini-beast hunt and put your results into a line graph, bar chart etc?
  • Can your child be confident with pocket money. How much more will they need, how much will be left?