Web Links for Children

On this page, you will find lots of links to different web sites that are extremely useful in supporting children with their learning across the curriculum.

Across the Curriculum

BBC Bitesize – A great website to support KS1 children with information and knowledge across a range of subjects in the national curriculum.

BBC Bitesize – A great website to support KS2 children with information and knowledge across a range of subjects in the national curriculum.

Topmarks – A website that provides resources across the national curriculum.

Grid Club – Opportunities to play a range of great games and activities.

BBC Supermovers – A great website to get children active and learning all at the same time.



TT Rockstars – Times Table Rockstars is a fantastic website to use to support your child with developing their understanding of times tables.

Numbots – Numbots is great at supporting children with their understanding of number with a focus on addition and subtraction.

Snappy Maths – A good website with a range of mathematical activities across the curriculum.

ICT Games – A range of different maths games for children in the age range of 5 – 8.

Figure This – A number of different maths challenges for the whole family.

NRich Maths – A range of good mathematical investigations that children can complete.

Khan Academy – Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it’s mostly common material.

Primary Games – A range of simple maths games to support children with understanding the maths curriculum.



Oxford Owl – Lots of free resources for Primary age.

Phonics Play – A good website to help support children with phonics.

Julia Donaldson – A website dedicated to the work of Julia Donaldson.

The Gruffalo – Activities and learning focused around The Gruffalo.



Swiggle – A safe search website to use for children.

Blockly – Learn computer programming skills – fun and free.

Scratch – Creative computer programming.

TinkerCAD – Creating 3D images and designs.


Support for Connected Curriculum

CBBC Newsround – The latest news for children.

Horrible Histories – Lots of historical knowledge, games and quizzes for children.

Geography Games – Geography gaming.

DK Find Out – A range of activities and quizzes.

National Geographic Kids – Activities and quizzes for younger children.

Big History Project – A focus more for children in KS2.

Red Ted Art – A range of different arty activities for younger children.

Blue Peter – Lots of different activities for children to have a go at.

National Air and Space Museum – Information about air and space.

Eureka – A great hands on website with lots for children to explore.